_by bruno zarzaca – 2011

_VIDEO by Bruno Zarzaca | Loactions: Forte Sangallo Museum in Nettuno, Italy. The video was shot in one day in collaboration with the Department of Culture of the Municipality of Nettuno, and the JPA – Joseph Pace Archive in Rome.  

Department of Culture of the Municipality of Nettuno | Joseph Pace – Filtranisme 

On Monday 11 July at Forte Sangallo in Nettuno, the exhibition of Joseph Pace, an Italian artist projected towards the international artistic world, opens. The exhibition features 15 oils and 7 computer engravings by the artist intimately linked to the informal, to pop art as well as to action painting. Catalog with texts by Giampiero Pedace, Councilor for Culture of Neptune and Livia Bucci.

The exhibition is dedicated to the Italian artist Joseph Pace projected towards the international artistic world and the greatest exponent of Filtranisme, the neo-existentialist artistic and philosophical current that he founded in Paris in the 1980s.

The event offers an overview of the recent production of this artist linked to informal, action painting and pop art. Last year, Joseph Pace’s personal exhibits were exhibited at the Museo de Arte del Parliament in Sao Paulo, Brazil and at the Sao Paulo State Accounting Council. Also in Brazil, this year the Maestro’s personal Filtranisme set up by the Prefecture of Jaguarìuna recently closed in the “Candido Potinari” exhibition spaces of the Municipal Theater, where recent works by the Lombard Master were presented and will now also be visible in Nettuno.

The itinerary of the exhibition opens with 7 large computer-processed engravings on canvas, to continue with a rich selection of oils by the master who has exhibited in Europe and South America since 1986. Lombardo di Morbegno, Joseph Pace, born in 1959, was initiated into the figurative arts by Antonio Cardile, an artist of the Roman School. He lives and works in Rome, Paris and Sao Paulo in Brazil.

Since 1986, his expressive research is distinguished first by the so-called Paysages Filtranistes; in the nineties, his transition from the figurative to the informal is marked by the Woods period, which was followed by the Factor C Studies; IDM (Irremovability of Memory) and the latest series of great works, Atons, have been in progress since 1999.

On the occasion of the recent Brazilian exhibitions, this is how Emanuel von Lauenstein Massarani, Superintendent of Artistic and Cultural Heritage of the State of Sao Paulo describes him: “[…] Observing the works of Joseph Pace one easily comes to the conclusion that one is in front of a creative artist of new forms that change with each work like the emotions that life, always changing, arouses in the soul of the Italian artist, considered one of the greatest exponents of Filtranism. Renewing itself at every moment, unpredictable in both style and technique […] the chromatism of this painter has a range function of vital dynamism and cosmic, almost atomic force of existence. […] His painting is done in a jet, his color is life […]. “

Mostra a cura dell’Assessorato alla Cultura del Comune di Nettuno | Joseph Pace – Filtranisme

Lunedì 11 luglio a Forte Sangallo a Nettuno, si inaugura la mostra di Joseph Pace, artista italiano proiettato verso il mondo artistico internazionale. La mostra presenta 15 olii e 7 incisioni elaborate al computer dell’artista intimamente legato all’informale, alla pop art come all’action painting. Catalogo con testi di Giampiero Pedace, Assessore alla Cultura di Nettuno e di Livia Bucci.

La Mostra è dedicata a l’artista italiano Joseph Pace proiettato verso il mondo artistico internazionale e massimo esponente del Filtranisme, la corrente filosofica e artistica neoesistenzialista che egli fonda a Parigi negli anni 80.

L’evento offre una panoramica sulla recente produzione di questo artista legato all’informale, all’action painting e alla pop art. Lo scorso anno, personali di Joseph Pace sono state allestite al Museo de Arte del Parlamento a San Paolo del Brasile e al Consiglio della Contabilità di Stato di San Paolo. Sempre in Brasile, quest’anno si è recentemente chiusa la personale Filtranisme del Maestro allestita dalla Prefettura di Jaguarìuna negli spazi espositivi “Candido Potinari” del Teatro Municipale, dove sono state presentate recenti opere del Maestro Lombardo che ora saranno visibili anche a Nettuno.

Il percorso della mostra si apre con 7 grandi incisioni elaborate al computer su tela, per proseguire con una ricca selezione di olii del maestro che dal 1986 espone in Europa e Sud America. Lombardo di Morbegno, Joseph Pace, classe 1959, viene avviato alle arti figurative da Antonio Cardile, artista della Scuola Romana. Vive e lavora a Roma, Parigi e San Paolo del Brasile.

Dal 1986, la sua ricerca espressiva è contraddistinta dapprima dai c.d. Paysages Filtranistes; degli anni novanta, il suo passaggio dal figurativo all’informale è contraddistinto dal periodo dei Legni (Woods) a cui succedono gli Studi di Factor C; dal 1999 è in corso IDM (Irremovibilità della Memoria) e l’ultima serie di grandi opere, Atons.

In occasione delle recenti mostre Brasiliane, così lo descrive Emanuel von Lauenstein Massarani, Soprintendente ai Beni Artistici e Culturali dello Stato di San Paolo: “[…] Osservando le opere di Joseph Pace si giunge facilmente alla conclusione di trovarsi di fronte a un artista creatore di forme nuove che mutano ad ogni opera come le emozioni che la vita, sempre mutante, suscita nell’animo dell’artista italiano, considerato uno dei maggiori esponenti del Filtranisme. Rinnovandosi ad ogni istante, imprevedibile tanto nello stile quanto nella tecnica […] il cromatismo di questo pittore possiede una funzione di gamma del dinamismo vitale e di forza cosmica, quasi atomica dell’esistenza. […] La sua pittura è fatta a getto, il suo colore è vita […].”

Joseph Pace explains #Filtranisme, the artistic and philosophical movement he founded in the mid ’80 in Paris. Read More. The video has been concentrated in one video shootage day and on one location, Forte Sangallo in Nettuno, a unique Renaissance fortification which represents the artistic and cultural heart of the District.

The shootage video was made possible thanks to Bruno Zarzaca who took care of the direction, production, music and sound. Ornella Galardo and Mascia Ferri, who took care of organizing all transport and travel with the service equipment. In post-production joined the team Woolloo Farinelli, who dealt with the english subtitles translation.

In collaboration with: _The Municipality of the City of Nettuno, _Department of Culture of the City of Nettuno, and _JPA Joseph Pace Archive.