_VIDEO Nomentano Old Roman Bridge
_By Joaquin de Vito, Elizete Color de Mello, Jorge Milani _2020

Locations: Ponte Nomentano, Roma | Nomentano Bridge, Rome
In collaboration with the Superintendence of Cultural Heritage of Rome, and JPA Archive

The video Joseph Pace (Filtranisme) | Nomentano Roman Bridge 3 | Rome has been concentrated in three video shootage days and on one location, Ponte Nomentano Old Roman Bridge in Rome, where a specific site-installation by Joseph Pace was set up by the artist that directly interfaced with the public. Ponte Nomentano, Nomentano Bridge, is one of the oldest bridges in Rome.

The shortage video was made possible thanks to the great teamwork: Joaquin de Vito and Elizete Color de Mello took care of the direction and production. Jorge Milani was at the video camera, and took care of organizing all transport and travel with the service equipment.